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Summerbridge Methodist Church was built in 1894, replacing a Wesleyan Chapel situated where the village school currently stands. We are one of five churches in the Pateley Bridge Methodist Circuit, and part of a grouping of local Churches called the Church in the Dale. The Church is known for the warm welcome it offers to everyone, as well as its vibrant Young Church and youth and children’s work. We are passionate about reaching out to our community in evangelism and service.


In common with other Methodist churches, our beliefs are –

  • We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was fully God and fully human. 

  • We believe that he came into the world as a light in the darkness to cancel the debt of sin and break the power of death. 

  • We believe that he did this by dying on the cross as the perfect sacrifice, freely given and available to all who believe in Jesus as Lord. 

  • We believe that we are saved by faith alone and not by works.

  • We believe that his resurrection is the proof that sin and death are defeated and that all who believe in Jesus as Lord will be forgiven and become children of God. 

  • We believe that one day Jesus will return to bring us to live with Him in our new and perfected relationship.

  • We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God which teaches us how to live and serve God in all that we do. 

  • We believe that being a Christian is not about merely attending Church but about everything that we say and do and think. 

  • We believe that being a Christian is life changing in every aspect.

  • We believe that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as our Counsellor and Guide to help us live and witness for God so that others might believe that Jesus is Lord. 

  • We believe that the Church is the people and not the buildings.  We believe that the local church is the hope of the world.

  • We believe that we have a mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in what we say and also what we do. 

  • We believe that we were formed as a Methodist people, alongside other Christians, to witness to the love of God in our area.


The Church 2020 Vision, Mission and Values

For the past year or so, the leadership team has been prayerfully reviewing our vision, mission statement and values and they launched the new version at the start of the year. Our vision statement has not changed as it still captures our passion to reach out to the community and ‘make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28 v 19) and it is...


Our Vision


Bringing people and God together through the love of Jesus Christ.


Our Mission


Drawing people into a welcoming church family, offering love, prayer, worship and service rooted in Biblical teaching.

Enabling everyone linked with the church to grow as disciples of Jesus, developing their service and giftings, giving them confidence in sharing their faith and encouraging them to help others to know Jesus.


Our Values


  • Biblical teaching

  • Unconditional love to all

  • Service

  • Sacrificial generosity

  • Celebratory worship


The Way Forward

Our intention is to continue and progress all our existing areas of work – discipleship, fellowship, overseas mission, engaging with the community etc. In addition, we will develop strategies for further development of additional key areas over the next two years. These are:


  • Evangelism

  • Youth and children’s work to engage children and families

  • Creation care and social justice

  • Worship



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